alicia bice

New Year's Resolutions

Alicia BiceComment

If you watched my last vlogmas ( I will post below) I talk about how I decided to call my resolutions goals this year. I feel like they are pretty much the same thing, but for me calling them goals will make me work harder to achieve them. When I make “resolutions” I usually only keep them until around March, so this year I’m going to work harder at attaining my goals. I thought I would share some of them with y’all, as well as the steps I’m taking to make it not so overwhelming. Hopefully these tips will help y’all with your 2019 goals as well. I also decided to have a word for the year. A word that I will try to use and practice all year. A lot of people do this and I haven’t done it before, so I decided to give it a try this year. I will talk about that later on in the post. I first want to share my 2019 goals with y’all.

I have a few personal goals and a few business goals (blog, instagram, youtube.) I will start with my personal ones first. The first few are the generic, eat better, drink more water, workout more. About 4 years ago I think my husband and I were working out about 6-7 times a week and I loved my body. I really want to get back to that fitness level, so I know I need to eat better too. One of the things I struggle with is just knowing what to eat. I bought a book called Thinner, Leaner, Stronger by Michael Matthews that is supposed to break everything down as far as muscles and food for women. Now I just need to read it so I can understand what my body needs and what I need to do to get to where I want. Another goal is to run a half marathon in at least 4 new states. I would love to do 6 states, but that will be pretty expensive since we will probably have to start flying soon, so I will take 4. I need to start saving for races but I always take money out of my jar, haha.

I saw a quote somewhere and now I can’t remember where or who said it, I’m thinking maybe Dave Ramsey, but it said to break down your goals and have a timeline. I thought that was really good advice so I did that with some of my goals yesterday. For example, my eating better goal, instead of doing every single meal healthy all at once, I may can try and add in at least one healthy meal everyday. Then maybe February add in a another and March another. So by March I would be eating three healthy meals a day. That may be easier than just all of a sudden eating all healthy all the time. That would also be plenty of time to have healthy eating habits to get that “summer body.”

My business goals are mainly to add more to my tribe (gain more friends, aka followers.) I am also thinking of adding something new to my business, but as I mentioned in my video I haven’t decided 100%, so I don’t want to mention it quite yet. Just be sure to follow along to see if/when I announce it. Also be sure to subscribe to my newsletter because they will be there first to know. I will also be doing different things for my newsletter tribe this year, including special giveaways just for them, so be sure to add your email to stay updated! You can be added to my tribe on the side bar of this post or at the bottom of my home page.

For each one of my social platforms I have a follower goal I want to reach by the end of the year, so every three months I have a smaller goal I want to reach and wrote down some ideas that could help me get there.

Now onto my word for 2019………..Enough. About to get pretty deep and open with y’all.

A lot of people probably don’t know this about me, but I have always struggled with feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I did not have a bad life growing up or now by any means, so I hope it doesn’t sound that way. I am so grateful for my family and everything I have. I had a great life growing up and I have a great life now, I just always felt like I wasn’t good enough. In school, a good enough piano player, a good enough friend, a good enough girlfriend, good enough in college, etc. I could go on and on about all the areas I felt not good enough in, but I think y’all get the picture. I still feel that way and nobody is to blame because that is something I personally have to work on, that’s why ‘enough’ is my word for 2019. I want to work on feeling like I am enough and I want to encourage y’all to do the same. I know it’s hard, especially in the world today seeing all these “perfect” bodies and perfect hair and makeup on instagram, tv, and magazines and wanting that, but it is mostly smoke and mirrors, along with photoshop. I’m not saying everybody uses photoshop, but a lot of pictures are photoshopped. That is why I am always open and honest with y’all because I know that I am not perfect and I want y’all to see that. From the very beginning I have wanted my blog to be real and relatable and that is what I hope to always be for y’all. If I’m ever not, y’all better put me in my place!


Anyways, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a very happy New Year. Let me know your word for 2019 is and if you don’t have one what’s some goals you have for the year?

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Hey y'all! Vlogmas is officially over! I made it! I know I have said it several times, but I am so glad I took the leap and did vlogmas this year. I have learned a lot from it and I have gotten more comfortable in front of the camera doing vlogs.